Page 391 - International safety guide for oil tankers and terminals
P. 391
25.4 The Bunkering Safety Check-List
25.4.1 General
Responsibility and accountability for the safe conduct of operations while
งานห้องสมุด ศูนย์ฝกพาณิชย์นาวี
a ship is receiving bunkers by barge is shared jointly between the Masters
of the tanker and of the barge. The responsibility for the bunkering
operation is usually delegated to designated Responsible Officers on the
ship and on the barge. Before the bunkering operation commences, the
Responsible Officers should:
Agree in writing the handling procedures, including the maximum
transfer rates.
Agree in writing the action to be taken in the event of an emergency
during transfer operations.
Complete and sign the Bunkering Safety Check-List.
The Bunkering Safety Check-List is based upon the Ship/Shore Safety
Check-List (see Section 26.3) and the Pre-Transfer Bunkering Check-List
contained in the IMO publication ‘Recommendations on the Safe
Transport of Dangerous Cargoes and Related Activities in Port Areas’.
The Check-List is primarily structured for loading bunkers from a barge,
but it is also suitable for use when taking bunkers from a jetty or when
loading bulk lubricating oil or gas oil from a road tanker.
25.4.2 Guidelines for Use
The following guidelines have been produced to assist ship, barge and
terminal operators in their joint use of the Bunkering Safety Check-List.
The Bunkering Safety Check-List uses statements assigning responsibility
and accountability. Ticking or initialling the appropriate box, and finally
signing the declaration, confirms the acceptance of obligations. Once
signed, it provides the minimum basis for safe operations as agreed
through a mutual exchange of critical information.
Some of the Check-List statements are directed to considerations for
which the ship has sole responsibility and accountability, some for which
the barge has sole responsibility and accountability and others which
assign joint responsibility and accountability. Shaded boxes are used to
identify statements that generally may be applicable to only one party,
although the ship or barge may tick or initial such sections if they so wish.
The assignment of responsibility and accountability does not mean that
the other party is excluded from carrying out checks in order to confirm
compliance. The assignment of responsibility and accountability ensures
clear identification of the party responsible for initial and continued
compliance throughout the transfer activity.
The Responsible Officers completing the Check-List should be the people
carrying out the bunkering operation.
The tanker’s Responsible Officer should personally check all
considerations lying within the responsibility of the tanker. Similarly, the
barge’s Responsible Officer should personally check all considerations
that are within the responsibility of the barge. In fulfilling their
responsibilities, Responsible Officers should assure themselves that the
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