Page 25 - International safety guide for oil tankers and terminals
P. 25
Closed operationsงสมุด ศูนย์ฝกพาณิชย์นาวี
For the purpose of this Guide, the following definitions apply:
Means the government of the state whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.
As low as reasonably practicable.
Antistatic additive
A substance added to a petroleum product to raise its electrical conductivity to a safe
level above 50 picoSiemens/metre (pS/m) to prevent accumulation of static electricity.
Approved equipment
Equipment of a design that has been tested and approved by an appropriate authority,
such as a government department or classification society. The authority should have
certified the equipment as safe for use in a specified hazardous or dangerous area.
The ignition of a combustible material without initiation by a spark or flame, when the
material has been raised to a temperature at which self-sustaining combustion occurs.
The connecting together of metal parts to ensure electrical continuity.
Cathodic protection
The prevention of corrosion by electrochemical techniques. On tankers, it may be
applied either externally to the hull or internally to the surfaces of tanks. At terminals,
it is frequently applied to steel piles and fender panels.
Clingage Oil remaining on the walls of a pipe or on the internal surfaces of tanks after the bulk
งานห้อ Ballasting, loading or discharging operations carried out without recourse to opening
of the oil has been removed.
ullage and sighting ports. During closed operations, ships will require the means to
enable closed monitoring of tank contents, either by a fixed gauging system or by using
portable equipment passed through a vapour lock.
Cold Work
Work that cannot create a source of ignition.
Combination carrier (also referred to as Oil/Bulk/Ore (OBO), Oil/Ore (O/O))
A ship that is designed to carry either a petroleum cargo or a dry bulk cargo on
separate voyages.
Combustible (also referred to as ‘Flammable’)
Capable of being ignited and of burning. For the purposes of this Guide, the terms
‘combustible’ and ‘flammable’ are synonymous.
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