Page 245 - International safety guide for oil tankers and terminals
P. 245


                                               A material of intermediate conductivity, such as wood or natural
                                               fibre, generally has sufficient conductivity as a result of water
                                               absorption to avoid the accumulation of electrostatic charge. At
                                               the same time, the conductivity of these materials is low enough
                                               to ensure that instantaneous release of a charge is not possible.
                                               It is prudent to assume that the surface of a non-conducting liquid์นาวี
                                               There should be a leakage path to earth from such materials, so
                                               that they are not totally insulated, but this need not have the very
                                               low resistance normally provided for the bonding and earthing of
                                               metals. In practice, such a path usually occurs naturally on ships,
                                               either by direct contact with the ship or by indirect contact through
                                               the operator of the equipment.
               งานห้องสมุด ศูนย์ฝกพาณิชย
                             Static Accumulator Oils

                                               (static accumulator) may be charged and at a high potential
                                               during and immediately after loading. Metallic dipping, ullaging
                                               and sampling equipment should be bonded and earthed to avoid
                                               sparks. There remains, however, the possibility of a brush
                                               discharge between the equipment and the charged liquid surface
                                               as the two approach each other. Since such discharges can be
                                               incendive, no dipping, ullaging or sampling with metallic
                                               equipment should take place while a static accumulator is being
                                               loaded, due to the possibility of the presence of a flammable gas

                                                 There should be a delay of 30 minutes (settling time) after
                                                 the completion of loading of each tank before commencing
                                                 these operations. This is to allow the settling of gas
                                                 bubbles, water or particulate matter in the liquid and the
                                                 dissipation of any electrical potential.

                                               The situations in which these restrictions on the use of metallic
                                               equipment should be applied are summarised in Figure 11.5.

                                               Non-Metallic Equipment
                                               Discharges between the surface of a static accumulator oil and
                                               non-metallic objects have not in practice been found to be
                                               incendive. Dipping, ullaging or sampling with non-metallic
                                               equipment lowered on clean natural fibre line is therefore
                                               permissible at any time.

                                               Section 3.2.1 should be referred to regarding the use of
                                               non-metallic sampling containers.

                                               Sounding Pipes
                                               Operations carried out through sounding pipes are permissible at
                                               any time, because it is not possible for any significant charge to
                                               accumulate on the surface of the liquid within a correctly designed
                                               and installed sounding pipe. A sounding pipe is defined as a
                                               conducting pipe which extends the full depth of the tank and
                                               which is effectively bonded and earthed to the tank structure at its
                                               extremities. The pipe should be slotted in order to prevent any
                                               pressure differential between the inside of the pipe and the tank
                                               and to ensure that true level indications are obtained.

                                               The electrostatic field strength within a metal sounding pipe is
                                               always low due to the small volume and to shielding from the rest

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