Page 244 - International safety guide for oil tankers and terminals
P. 244


                                              Lowering of equipment
                         Cargo tank operation when
                            hazard can occur  with ropes or tapes of  Loading clean oils  Tank washing
                                               synthetic material
                         Electrostatic hazard  Rubbing together of  Flow of static  Water mist droplets
               งานห้องสมุด ศูนย์ฝกพาณิชย์นาวี
                         [Chapter 3]        synthetic polymers  accumulator liquids   [Section 3.3.4 &]
                                            [Sections]  [Sections 11.1.7 &
                         Precautions necessary                  30 minutes thereafter่านั้น---
                         For dipping, ullaging and  [Sections &  [Section]  [Sections g) &
                         sampling with: g)]                 ]
                          (i) metallic equipment  Do not use ropes or tapes  Not permitted at any time  Not permitted during
                           not earthed or   made of synthetic                      washing and for 5 hours
                           bonded:          materials for lowering into            thereafter
                                            cargo tanks at any time
                         (ii) metallic equipment     "          Not permitted during  No restrictions
                           which is earthed and                 loading and for
                           bonded from before
                           introduction until after
                         (iii) non-conducting        "          No restrictions    No restrictions
                           equipment with no
                           metallic parts:

                         Exceptions permitted if:    "          Sounding pipe is used   a) Sounding pipe is used
                                                                                   b) Tank is continuously
                                                                          ึ           5 hours can be
                                                                                      ventilated, when
                                                                                      reduced to 1 hour

                             Table 11.2 – Summary of precautions against electrostatic hazards when
                                            ullaging and sampling non-inerted tanks

                                          bonding cable is bolted. The stud should have electrical continuity
                                          through the frame to the metal measuring tape. The other end of
                                          the bonding cable should terminate in a spring-loaded clamp
                                          suitable for attachment to the rim of an ullage opening.

                                          Those responsible for the supply of non-conductive and
                                          intermediate conductive equipment to ships must be satisfied that
                                          the equipment will not act as spark promoters. It is essential that
                                          non-conducting components do not lead to the insulation of any
                                          metal components from earth. For example, if a plastic sample
                                          bottle holder includes a metallic weight, the weight must be
                                          bonded as described above or fully encapsulated in a minimum of
                                          10 mm thick plastic.

                                          Measures to Avoid Introducing Charged Objects
                                          The suitability of equipment made wholly of non-metallic
                                          components depends upon the volume and surface resistance of
                                          the materials employed and their manner of use. Non-conducting
                                          and intermediate conducting materials may be acceptable in
                                          some circumstances, for example plastic sample bottle holders
                                          can be lowered safely with natural fibre (intermediate conductivity)
                                          rope. Natural fibre rope should be used because synthetic rope
                                          generates significant static charge when sliding rapidly through an
                                          operator’s gloved hand. This type of apparatus needs no special
                                          bonding or earthing.

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