Page 2 - International safety guide for oil tankers and terminals
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                                                  First Published 1978
                                                  Second Edition 1984
                                                   Third Edition 1988
                                                Third Edition Revised 1991
                                                  Fourth Edition 1996
                                                   Fifth Edition 2006
               งานห้องสมุด ศูนย์ฝกพาณิชย์นาวี
                                        © International Chamber of Shipping, London
                                     Oil Companies International Marine Forum, Bermuda
                                            1978, 1984, 1988, 1991, 1996, 2006

                                               ISBN 13: 978 1 85609 291 3
                                                 ISBN 10: 1 85609 291 7

               British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
                 International safety guide for oil tankers and terminals – 5th ed.
                   1.  Tankers – Safety measures
                   2.  Petroleum shipping terminals – Safety measures
                   I.  International Association of Ports and Harbors
                   II.  International Chamber of Shipping
                   III. Oil Companies International Marine Forum
                   ISBN-10 1856092917

                                   The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is a voluntary organisation
                                   comprising national shipowners’ associations. It represents approximately two thirds
                                   of the world’s merchant tonnage. Established in 1921, ICS is the trade association
                                   for the shipping industry, its interests covering all aspects of maritime affairs,
                                   particularly marine safety, ship design and construction, pollution prevention and
                                   maritime law. ICS has consultative status with several inter-governmental
                                   organisations, including the International Maritime Organization.
                                   The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) is a voluntary association
                                   of oil companies having an interest in the shipment and terminalling of crude oil and
                                   oil products. OCIMF is organised to represent its membership before, and consult
                                   with, the International Maritime Organization and other government bodies on
                                   matters relating to the shipment and terminalling of crude oil and oil products,
                                   including marine pollution and safety.

                                   The International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) is a voluntary world-
                                   wide association of port authorities, founded in 1955. Current membership includes
                                   219 regular and 138 associate members encompassing 87 countries. IAPH is
                                   committed to the exchange and promotion of ideas and technical knowledge on
                                   issues of concern to those who work in ports and related industries. Its consultative
                                   status with UN and other organisations, including IMO, is a positive benefit in this

                                                 Notice of Terms of Use
                 While the information and advice given in this guide (Guide) has been developed using the best information
                 currently available, it is intended purely as guidance to be used at the user’s own risk. No warranties or
                 representations are given nor is any duty of care or responsibility accepted by the International Chamber
                 of Shipping (ICS), the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), the International Association
                 of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), the members or employees of ICS, OCIMF, IAPH or by any person, firm,
                 company or organisation who or which has been in any way concerned with the furnishing of information
                 or data, the compilation or any translation, publishing, supply or sale of the Guide, for the accuracy of any
                 information or advice in the Guide or any omission from the Guide or for any consequence whatsoever resulting
                 directly or indirectly from compliance with, adoption of, or reliance on guidance contained in the Guide even
                 if caused by failure to exercise reasonable care.

                                                Published and Printed by
                                                 WITHERBY & CO. LTD.
                                                 32/36 Aylesbury Street
                                            London ECIR 0ET, United Kingdom
                                               Tel No: +44 (0)20 7251 5341
                                               Fax No: +44 (0)20 7251 1296

        ii                                     © ICS/OCIMF/IAPH 2006
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